Candidates for the Secca procedure experience incontinence at least once a week, have failed conservative therapies (fiber, medications, biofeedback), desire a less invasive treatment than foreign implants or surgery, or are not optimal candidates for surgery. Your doctor will perform diagnostic tests to determine if Secca Therapy is right for you.


Is the Secca Treatment for You?

Some patients are able to control their symptoms by altering their diet and/or taking fiber supplements, or through the use of anti-diarrheal medications. Many patients benefit from biofeedback (muscle retraining). However, if patients are unsatisfied or don't respond to these conservative treatments, Secca Therapy may be a good option.

What can patients expect in terms of improvements?

As every patient's underlying cause for bowel incontinence may be different, their response to Secca Therapy may also be somewhat different. Some patients see improvement more quickly than others and studies show the symptoms may continue to improve for 6 months or longer. Some patients' symptoms may worsen immediately after Secca therapy and this worsening may last for two to three weeks. 

Do patients experience pain after Secca Therapy?

Patients may experience discomfort after Secca Therapy, which in most cases can be managed with OTC analgesia (acetaminophen), or in severe cases stronger prescription pain medications. Patients should refrain from using NSAIDs for two weeks after the Secca procedure. Patients generally return to normal activities in a few days.

Patients & Families » The Secca Patient » Am I a candidate for Secca?